No longer will those three simple words suffice. Donna pointed out the back of her shampoo bottle, where we are told to "Enter a world of botanical bliss and unleash the power of your beautifully renewed hair."
Unleash the power! That, my friends, is fantastic. I didn't even know there was power waiting inside my hair - let alone that it has been, shall we say, bottled up. No, the only person I've ever thought to have hair power was Medusa and I don't think that is the image they are going for.
But maybe my folly has been in ignoring the directions. I have been shampooing old school style: rinse, lather, repeat has always seemed enough. Actually, that's not true, I don't usually repeat. But anyway, there are new and improved instructions out there to follow. "Massage into wet hair and indulge in the luxurious lather. Surrender to the intoxicating fragrance. Rinse when ready." Notice - no repeat. It seems I had one thing right. I may not have been indulging in luxury or surrendering to intoxication, but I wasn't unnecessarily repeating either.

(To be fair, you won't get that kind of quality instruction from your no name special, which was my shampoo buying M. O. for the longest time. But I'll confess, I've lost the moral high ground of the frugal to the irresistible smell of cinnamon buns shampoo - A gift to Donna that I highjacked.)
For those of you who use conditioner, you probably already know this, because instruction with conditioners is very important. But I'll leave you with a sample from Donna's conditioner that borders on an AA rating:
"Delight further in a world of luscious exhilaration and unleash the power of your beautifully replenished hair. Bursting with a sumptuously fresh fragrance, this vibrant conditioner with ... will take your hair to a place it's never been before... Work into wet hair, caressing every strand with an exciting burst of smoothness and fresh fragrance. Exhilarate as long as desired ... "