This is my mother-in-law, Jane. Personable. Charming. Smiles a lot. You wouldn't think so if you've ever seen her running.
You see, Jane has an evil twin. I see her running all the time. She wears a red jacket and looks a lot like Jane. Well, except that she never smiles. She doesn't look as if she is grimacing from running, she just looks angry. I couldn't tell you why. All I can say is that, she won't smile.
Or at least that's Jane's story. She says she doesn't have a red running jacket and that if she saw me she would smile. She says she has seen her evil twin. But I can't say that I have ever seen them at the same time. Still, I was sure that she has been telling the truth.

But lately, I've been thinking. You see, Jane is a runner, but I never see her running - just the twin. Then I came across this photo and now I'm not so sure. I guess I'll leave it to you to judge. Does Jane really have an evil twin or just an alter ego?
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