Where is Venus Flytrap now? What happened to the DJ? Are they gone forever? Did they disappear with Drive Ins - quietly, from neglect?
I'm sick of Radio Hosts and radio contests and little games. I'm sick of their tiny little playlists full of the same crap day in and day out. I don't want to phone in to win and I don't want to hear about the ever grateful that just won a general seating ticket to a $12 concert. I will not learn the "phrase that pays" or any other pathetic marketing ploy. I'm fed up. I can't take anymore of two talking heads bantering back and forth about shopping, social faux pas, and trivial celebrity news.
Sometimes they drive me to talk radio. But there are times when I just want to hear some music. I want a DJ. I want someone who knows what they are playing and cares about it. Someone who takes pride in what they do, has control over what they play, and is passionate about music.
I don't even mind the commercials. I know we have to pay one way or another. So please let me know if you know any good stations with DJs that I can listen to while driving in Vancouver.
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