What I hate more than punctuation bastardized into smiling and winking faces is the cryptic looking tag line 'LOL'. Like the rest of us, I have Google and so I know that it means 'Laughing Out Loud'. Oh and, I know that it is meant in the kindest of fashions. But like small children, I simply find it annoying - LOL
What I really hate is when people feel the need to add "lol" to their own statements, when more often than not, what they're saying is nff. As in, not fucking funny. In the slightest. And when did people get to decide if what they're saying is funny or not. It doesn't work like that. You say something, if it's funny, I laugh. You don't tell me to laugh. I'm not your frickin' laugh track.
It took me a while to figure out what LOL meant - once I had the jargon of cyberspace deciphered I decided that it had not really been worth the effort. I am not a happy face, lol kind of gal I guess but you guys are quite testy about the whole lol effort. Some people need prompting - live with it! Actually I think the lol and happy faces etc are all part of an effort to humanize a basically dehumanized form of communication. Email does not have the same impact as conversation but people want it to, they want you to know what they think and feel as they read and write their way to "conversations in cyberspace" - it is a very human inclination - personalizing the impersonal. Think about how many ways you can interpret the written word. It is a confusing way to communicate with others. People who use LOL and other cutesy expressions are only trying to interpret for you - my rant for the day!
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