Donna, Claude, Al, and myself watched the Oscars together. With the short ballot we found in the Vancouver Sun, we each made our selections of which films we thought would win which Oscars. To minimize luck, we assigned 1-7 points for each award with more points given for the more marquee awards and less points for say, 'Best Makeup'.
Donna made a late charge and she would have won, had Paul Haggis won for Best Director. But she didn't. In fact she only beat Allan and he has A.D.D. No, Claude outlasted her despite missing the big seven points for best film. The funny thing is Claude had only seen a handful of the films nominated for awards, while Donna had only missed seeing a han

dful of them. And Allan, well, he'd seen a lot of the films, but let's be honest he does have A.D.D. and I think it was good that he was able to fill out the whole ballot.
Final Scores
Paul 19
Claude 15
Donna 12
Allan 7
Is that a sweaty armpit or did Al spill his beer?
Al looks a little sullen in this shot - how much does HE hate to lose?
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