Until now, I had left that experience thinking she had some sort of mutant super power. Sure, I'd known Stephen to be drunk to the point of vomiting only to sit back down at the table feeling refreshed and ready to drink again. But that's just gross. That is a disdain for your own bodies cry for help. No, this is different. She just shut down for a moment.

Then last night, J. O. added her name to this very short list of super power endowed drinkers. We were celebrating Easter, as heathens should, by sharing a few pints on a patio. Afternoon turned to evening which stretched into night and one patio led to another and there we were - drunk. While Stephen led the charge, as he is prone to doing, it was J. O. that impressed me. Too drunk and too tired to carry on she went down where she stood. Slowly sinking to the deck, she curled up to take a nap. Again, were you to find me in such a condition, medical attention ought to be a consideration. As it was, J. O. just needed some time. Up from the depths she rose to jump right back in. Here's to you J. O.
A fine example of an unexpected change of elevation. Apparently it is a skill not yet lost to this generation!
That blanket + that deck = cozy corner. Must be why all day long today I wanted to just lie down. My fingertips finally stopped tingling around 4 pm.
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