This is my second year as the proud owner of seasons tickets. Yes me. The first year, I was so excited by the notion of being just that - a season ticket holder. I knew that the cost of seasons tickets to the Whitecaps wasn't overwhelming and I could have paid more for a single Canucks ticket, but the I loved the idea of saying, "I'm a season's ticket holder."
Not this year. The luster of 'seasons tickets' has worn off. In it's place is 'Southsider'. Not that I have tickets for the south side. No one does. No, I got my tickets in the mail today - this great folded stack of tickets. Eighteen games in all. And I have the same seat as last year. Now I say the same seat as last year, but as some of you may know, I'm not sure exactly where that is. I have a rough idea. It is on the east side of the pitch. In fact it is Section M row 5 seat 5. The thing is I've never sat there. If you happen to be at the game and you don't like your seat and you feel that section M row 5 seat 5 is a better seat than you have, well feel free to move on down.
You see, I'm a Southsider no matter what my ticket says. That means I'll be standing/drinking in the south end, just behind the goalie, taunting players as best I can. I'll do my best to get under the opposing keepers skin. I'll jeer anyone not in a Whitecaps jersey. I'll drink beer and throw the empty cup towards the pitch. I'm a Southsider so I'll find that inner hooligan and I'll call them fat bastards and tell them where they can stick their timbers and their relics and their skydomes and ....
1 comment:
And their World Cup's.
We can tell 'em where to shove their world cup trophies. Have you seen that thing? It would hurt.
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