Not really understanding what might be wrong with forest green sheets, I offered pillows. Not all pillows mind you. Not the two large white pillows that seem to be standard issue for all beds. Rather the extra pillows.
What is the point? What are we to do with them? Where do they go when your in bed? I believe they frighten men. They represent for us a mass of things we don't get. Matching things. Delicate things. Knick knack things. Decorative things. Things without purpose.

In contrast we do get the standard pillow. Actually we love it. Even better is seeing it put to good use. So I say, move over WNBA. Look out LPGA. Stay on your toes WTA. There's a new league in town. The PFL just might make it big. That's right, it's time to take back the pillow. Let me introduce the Pillow Fight League.
I know, it's as if they read our minds. It combines the best of all worlds into a neat sanctioned voyeuristic package: needless senseless violence, sweaty women, plaid skirts, and sleep overs (or at least an iconic reference to them). It should come with a warning: the following program has been distilled down to contain nothing but scenes of violence, course language and sexually suggestive content. It is as if the WWF met the UFC and with the touch of a pillow took the hard core to soft core.
Ah, guilty pleasures. Aren't they great?

I've not seen the program, but really, just knowing it's out there makes me feel...good. All is well with the world.
thanks for your kind words, and we'll see you August 17 at the pheonix, i assume?
Sorry Sally, T.O. is a little far for now.
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