* Provision of an adequate street network.
* Resolution of risks & liability associated w/ dangerous goods in the rail lands.
* Reconfig of stadium structure /site to ensure a better "fit" with Gastown.
* Resolution of impacts on the livability of residential uses in area
* Resolution of impacts on future Port Lands development
And while some of those points are all good and dandy, they are not my concern. I'm also not concerned as to whether the stadium "blocks" waterfront access in an area that is already blocked off from the water. I have to agree with Richard in the City's take in general. That is except for one thing.
Why so many seats? What about us hooligans? What about this man? All he wants to do is: stand behind the opposing keeper and berate him with offside remarks; belitt

Where will he drink beer, shout and swear, and bang the boards? Will there be room to throw his empty beer cups in the direction of the keeper and still have them land safely behind the net? Or will they just sail out on to the pitch? (See: safety conscious)
So worry about your business owners, and your land holders, and you poor and impoverished all you like. But what about him? But what about us? We happy hooligans. We need less seats. Give us a place to stand.
Or does that bit come later, when they have agreed to the whole thing. Ooops, my bad. Too soon. Carry on. Never mind me.
And another thing...It seems to me that the length of the stadium will be running east to west...which means that I just don't think it will be feasible for us to be on the south side. Maybe we need an impact study on that change.
No impact study needed muchacho!
We're just gonna have to be the southsiders on the west side of the stadium. We'll carry the legacy, tradition and history of our old home gently in our arms to our new residence. We'll find somewhere to throw the cups... I promise.
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