It seems obvious now, Mother Nature is rooting against me. Ha, I say, ha.
You see, it's not so much that she is conspiring against me, and let's face it, there is little she can do to me to hold me back. Well at least, there is little she can do to me that won't also affect Donna. She can get overcast and gloomy, she can rain and bluster, but short of a lightning strike, she's getting us both. And really now, don't you think that a lightning strike would be a tad too obvious.
No, I don't mean to imply that she is cheating, that she is providing any extraordinary assistance like a wind at someone's back say. It is more that she wants Donna to win. I mean, let's face it she probably has an in with fate. They probably went to the same school or they met at a party and now she knows ahead of time whether ... well I suppose, she knows a lot of things. Not the least of which is who will be our household grand champion. And it would seem she has taken an interest in the outcome.
Only a few days ago, she was in a grand mood. Couldn't wait for us to get up and get going on our morning Sudoku. Couldn't wait for me to lose.
And how about today? She has been miserable all day. Dark and brooding. Spitting all day. I suspect it's 'cause she knew. She knew I'd win at Sudoku and she knew I would win on the grind. She knew I would regain my rightful title as Household Grand Champion.
Well, at least for today.
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