As a kid I was told that I was allergic to walnuts. Or at least I have some vague memory of being told that. As an adult it never really mattered much to me. You see, I don't like walnuts. Actually I dislike them. Pecans too. Which, incidentally taste an awful lot like walnuts to me.
The thing I was never sure about was whether I always had disliked walnuts and had made up a story about being allergic to them or if because I was told I was allergic to them, I had begun to dislike them. Childhood memories are to say the least unreliable.
As an adult, I doubted my sanity even further. I believed that when I ate walnuts, my throat would be just a touch scratchier, drier than normal. Not being a fan of walnuts, I rarely ate them. In fact the only time I would eat a walnut was when it was hidden in something. Something like a muffin. And what I'm about to tell is something that I know is a little crazy and so knowing that casts doubt on the rest of what I had been thinking. This is it: I like all sorts of other nuts, but I hate any nut inside a cake like found - notably muffins, because it seems bakers love to put nuts into their muffins. It is a texture thing I suppose and I don't think that is too crazy. What is crazy is that I don't like brownies even if I know there are no nuts in it.
Now obviously brownies represent the double whammy - not only are they are cake like food with nuts in it, but invariably those nuts are walnuts. Disgusting really. The crazy part is that even when I am told there are no nuts in them (which essentially makes it a short little bite sized chocolate cake and I do like the sound of a short little bite sized chocolate cake), I just have to look at them and I can't help but get the taste of walnuts out of my mouth. I'm like Pavlov's dog.
so the next time it looks like you were crying...you were actually rubbing walnuts in your eyes.
Especially if you see me watching a movie and rubbing my eyes with my sleeve. Sure it may look like I'm just trying to casually remove tears from my eyes at a sappy movie, but the truth is I'm trying to use the fabric to remove the walnut oil.
The number of times you've done that at a movie, you'd think you'd learn.
I thought you were a sensitive man, but it turns out you were using a delicious, crunchy source of omega-3 fatty acids to deceive us.
Hand is quicker than the eye. Unfortunately eyes aren't quicker than the walnut.
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