I went to the art gallery the other day and on the way I bought a muffin to share. Not a muffin I would have chosen. It was chocolate chip zucchini with walnuts on top. The nuts didn't look like walnuts through the glass case. Like icebergs, they were poking through the top and honestly I thought they were peanuts. No it was the zucchini that made me doubtful, but in that regard I was quite mistaken. It is a delicious muffin. All I needed to do was pick the walnuts off the top. Not difficult.
Actually that's not all I needed to do, but that was all I did. So on my way into the art gallery, my eyes were swollen and red and I couldn't stop rubbing them. You'd think the rule - Don't rub walnuts in my eyes - would be an easy one to learn. Me, I'm still working on it.

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