What is up with all the fireworks at Halloween? Is this just a BC thing or do people everywhere do this? I'm a transplant of eight years and I really think of this as home. I may even take a little pride in having embraced the BC way of life on many levels. In fact, I even call a twelve pack of beer a 'case'. Boy, that took some getting used to. But I just don't know about these fireworks. Canada Day by comparison is relatively calm out here. I don't mean to complain. I like big explosions in the sky for whatever reason. I guess I just don't see the connection.
Totally!! When I moved out here five years ago, I thought this was one of the weirdest things ever. Fireworks and Halloween? It just doesn't make sense. I still don't get it.
As a Vancouverite born and raised fireworks are what made Halloween Halloween for me - well that and all the candy I received. As a child it was an annual tradition to head to china town with my family and my next door neighbour's family the weekend before Halloween to purchase fireworks and enjoy a chinese feast. On Halloween night all the families knew to get the trick or treating down by 8 pm 'cause that's when the fireworks show started on the lawn in front of my house The entire neighbourhood knew, and showed up. The show consisted of fireworks being donated from the neighbourhood families and would usually last 30 - 45 minutes. At the end of the show the grown ups were invited into my house to socialize while the kids frantically sorted and traded their candies in the basement. It was here that I was able to ditch my unwanted raisins for delicious peanut butter cups. I don't know if this type of thing still goes on in the neighbourhoods of Vancouver these days, or if it is just a bunch of teenagers goofing around, but my memories of fireworks on Halloween night are awesome.
P.S. I'm enjoying your blog.
Just received an e-mail from a friend with a school aged son. She described her Halloween with her child and a neighbourhood fireworks show was part of it. The tradition is alive and well with families in neighbourhoods. I'm so glad.
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