We have been misled. Hoodwinked. Duped. And by MacLean's of all people. It would seem either their people or the fine people at BBC have got it wrong. They said, England would play this Friday. Or at least they did in a little chart full of G1's and SF2's and Group E winners go to's. Donna, being English, has strong feelings about when they play.
Alright, you may have a point in that McLean's magazine is far from the best source for sports, and that trusting a publication from a country unable to qualify for the World Cup, well, may not be the wisest of choices. Still, it was there. In black and white, with little red fine print.
What is the big deal though? So they play Saturday and not Friday? Well, we have a wedding to go to. No problem, they play the first game. Oh, except that it is an early wedding and a ferry ride away so as it stands we are booked to board the ferry just in time for kick off. Can you believe it? Can you believe that someone would plan their wedding during World Cup? I know. Crazy. Like it's their day or something.
So maybe we'll just go to the wedding and watch the replay. No radio, that's key. Then all we have to do is make an announcement at the beginning of the wedding as to our dilemma and how we would appreciate it if all the guests were to kindly refrain from discussing the results. I'm sure no one would mind. Then we need to get out of town without seeing a fan waving a flag or some other tell tale sign. Anyone know - what's are chances of making it out of Victoria without seeing an Englishman?
Maybe J-Mac will lend you his T-shirt.
Oh, and I believe the proper spelling is "Ing-er-land."
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