This is a picture of a picture of an SD 300. Some would say we, in the digital world, take too many images.
Sparky would say its the best camera in the world and I for one have not debated the issue. (Note: he also drives the worlds safest car)
I like my SD 300 a lot. Stephen likes his SD 300 a lot (even if he is abusive with it). My mom likes her SD 300 a lot. But Sparky, you are the King of the Club.
I think that you'd agree - this man could use an SD 300. I bet his shoulder is sore.

I would agree that the SD300 is the optimal digital camera.
I DO like mine a lot - but it is a dangerous addiction. You start off innocently enough - just taking a few shots here and there and before you know it you are taking pictures of everything and everyone. I have pictures of total strangers, flowers, yes, even fruit like the big bowl of oranges. I have shots of hydrants and pipes - I justify this by saying I can use them in my training materials, and often I do. I would take them anyway, I freely admit it. Addiction to digital - it's SO easy.
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