Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Local Theater

Perhaps it is a pseudo New Years resolution, but I just don't think I go to enough live theater. Donna and I had a good run one year where we went to several shows of varying sizes and we really enjoyed it. And since then, it has always been the sort of thing one us would bring up from time to time.
"You know, we should go to more plays."
"Your right, we should."
As simple as that. Except that we don't. It is just that sort of thing we say we should do and then forget about it. Last night we tried to break that run. We went to the Vancouver Playhouse to see The Blonde, the Brunette, and the Vengeful Redhead. It is a one woman show with actress Lucy Peacock playing 7 different characters. To be frank, outside of playing a child, she does an excellent job. Her transformations were masterful. My hats off to Peacock.
So I say pseudo resolution because I didn't really think of it until after New Year's day, but I'm hoping last night kicked off a string of performances for us.

1 comment:

SB said...

I often think I should go see more plays. Or some plays, as I haven't seen live theatre in years. But then, I don't.