Thursday, January 17, 2008

Unlikeable Characters

The Hollywood on Broadway is showing a pretty good double feature right now. Good in the sense that both films are good, but also in the sense that they are well paired. Some would say that 2 Days in Paris is a comedy and Before the Devil Knows Your Dead is a tragedy and so they aren't well paired. But I would argue that they are both about unlikeable misfits and frankly 2 Days in Paris would have been a hell of a lot better if it ended with a break up. Instead it ended, well ... how did it end? What exactly was going on in the very end. I don't know, but I wanted them to dump each other, which would not have been tragic.

1 comment:

SB said...

Oftentimes the Hollywood has odd pairings so I like to find some link, no matter how tenuous...

This is what I have this time:

The first movie starred Julie Delpy, the 2nd Ethan Hawke, together they starred in the Before/After Sunrise series.