It was a deep rectangular forest and hidden away at the very back was an old mansion. We believed stories we'd heard about old Mrs. Cressman who lived in the mansion. She had Dobermans that she would let run wild at night and anyone daring to venture too far into the woods would be attacked. On the best of nights, it kept us out of the forest. But on Halloween, when ghosts stories were whispering in our minds, we were truly afraid.
There is a vague unwritten window for trick or treating and mostly we start younger than we remember. How old we are when we stop going out for the evening asking for candy from our neighbours is really up to our genes. Being very tall at a young age only shortened my trick or treating career. It was near the end of my window when I was finally brave enough to walk all the way through the forest in the dark to the old Cressman mansion. It was shrouded in trees and vines so much that it seemed to grow out of the ground itself. I remember knocking on the door for the first time, proud of myself for having come that far. The wide door swung open slowly to reveal a small grey haired women hunching over a big metal bowl. It was a bowl filled with the holy grail of Halloween - full sized chocolate bars. Not some miniaturized version of a Mars bar or a Smarties box with four Smarties inside. No, full sized real chocolate bars. A true prize for only the bravest.
I was at a mall today when I thought of that woman. I remembered too, when I was younger, going into someone's garage where we were blindfolded and we given things to touch. Eyeballs and brains. Actually peeled grapes and overcooked pasta. We screamed. Then touched them again.

I'm glad to say that isn't true in Kitsilano. On the way out this evening, my wife and I drove down a few side streets and there were plenty of kids out, but is that just because there isn't a mall in Kits. I hope not. I hope you had lots of kids trick or treating at your door.
Oh and thanks, Mrs. Cressman, for the full sized real chocolate bar and even more so for the scare.